Good morning! I just posted my first outfit in almost a month :) sorry about the lull in posts! It's such a lame excuse, but I've just been pretty busy. Recently after my last post, I made the decision to go back to being the assistant manager at Plato's Closet. It was a hard financial decision, and even now I'm not sure if it was right, but emotionally and physically, Dillard's was exhausting. I missed all my friends at Plato's, especially my manager, who is probably my best friend in Omaha, and I hated being at a place where I felt useless, and that's how Dillard's was. After over three months, I still felt like I had no idea what I was doing, and like everybody expected me to have turned around the business that was honestly so far in the hole that I don't know if it will ever make it. As for what else has been going on, Alex and I also took a trip to Minnesota about a week after my last post, and finally got to visit my future school : ). It was super exciting and for the most part the trip was awesome. We visited our best friends, James and Katie, and their adorable new baby, and I got to see downtown Minneapolis for the first time. The school visit went great, and Alex and I have officially made the decision- we are moving next year for me to go! Unfortunately, the trip went south on our way home and we ended up in a pretty awful car accident. We walked away with minimal damage, but the car is done, and Alex and I are very blessed to be alive. As for everything else, life has just been pretty crazy especially with the holiday season. The apartment is officially decorated, and I have all the presents ready to be boxed and wrapped and I'm pretty excited for Christmas. But anywho, that's about all I have to say in terms of a life update. Thanks so much for reading!
Hello to everyone invested enough to actually visit my pages! : ) Sorry I am so lax when it comes to updating, but today I just feel the need to ramble a bit. While I mostly don't condone sharing feelings over the Internet, I also realize that part of being a "blogger" is being real with your audience. And I, being completely real, am feeling a bit like Stitch here.
The poor little guy : (. I have been so sure for the last two years of my three dreams- To move to Minnesota, go to the Art Institute, and to become a buyer for Macy's. Not long ago, however, I found out that to be a buyer for Macy's, I'd have to live in Little Rock, Arkansas to work in the buyer's office. All the sudden, I had to choose- Minnesota or Macy's? I decided that Minnesota was something I wanted more than Macy's, and thus- one of three dreams was gone. Shortly after that disappointment, I also got a quote from the Art Institute. One year, without scholarships, would be $84,000. Yikes! Again, I was faced with a choice. I had a husband and future children to think of before myself, and how could I spend 3-4 years shelling out the cost of a small house for school? I couldn't, and yet another dream was shattered. And now I'm at a point where only one dream is available to me- Minnesota. Don't get me wrong, that dream is still a big part of my heart, but suddenly I have no idea what I'm going to do once I'm there. Working at Dillards has been great, but I've discovered pretty quickly that the big department store job is just not for me. I have been searching for something to replace those lost dreams, and it feels like two things have been weighing for heavily than others- owning my own boutique, and having a baby. I know- a baby?? Kendra? Recently I have been feeling somewhat under the weather, and to be safe, I went to the doctor to get it checked out. I know I'm not the only woman to feel this way, but I honestly can't explain the piercing sadness when the doctor walked in and told me I was not pregnant. I know it might not be the right time for me, but I have an unmistakable longing in my heart for a little half me, half Alex, and for the first time in my life, I don't have a mile long list of reasons not to. I'm not saying that Alex and I are ready to take the plunge, but I am saying that in light of all these recent changes, I am more confused than ever. I know I'm only 21, and I have plenty of time to flounder and question my life, but that's just not who I am. Ever since I was a wee one, I had a plan. First, I wanted with all my little heart to be a nurse or doctor. Then, for a good eight years, I had my heart set on going to UNK for English and being a teacher. For a year into our marriage I thought I'd be an English prof and a pastor's wife. And of course for the last two years I had a list of dreams. Now, I have no solid plan or dream and it feels a little empty, to be honest. I know soon it will pass, but nor now, I guess I have to just remember all the blessings I've been given and hold on to the fact that there is always a plan for me, even if I don't always know what it is. Thanks for reading! : )
Well, I know I just about never update these pages, but today I wanted to post the lovely dresses I tried on yesterday in Herbergers. I like to imagine that someday soon I will be in a place where I have reason to where these kind of dresses to events or theaters. I can see myself wearing the blue dress to the Chanhassen theater in Minnesota- and hopefully someday I will! That is all : )
Today I want to talk about one of my new favorite movies- Frozen. You may think I'm lame for all my Disney references, but honestly- you have to love Frozen. It's not my favorite Disney movie (Which is, and probably always be will, Tangled), but it is still fabulous. Elsa and Anna (the two main characters), are some of the loveliest animated characters I've seen from Disney, and the plot was actually somewhat intricate for a child's movie. I hope everyone else enjoyed this movie as much as I did! : )
"Let It Go" Demi Lovato
This is a kitten in a sweater- that is all.
These little glitter houses are literally the cutest things I have ever seen! This is definitely going to be my next project! We'll see when I get the chance to do it, of course : )
A Few Of My Favorite Things-
Here I'm posting a list of a few things that fall into my recent favorites- let's just round it into an even top 10, shall we?
1. Creamy Kiss latte from 13th Street Coffee
2. The Mortal Instruments(the books)
3. House Of Heroes' new CD "The Knock-Down Drag-Outs"
4. My new iPhone5
6. The new mixed metal trend
8. Halloween hype
9. Tangled
10. The Hollow Kingdom trililogy
I personally love all sorts of art forms, especially photography, and am super jealous of all forms of artistry, because I have no talents in that area. I'm going to be posting a couple of my favorite pictures and drawings- hope you enjoy!
This is a picture of my wonderful husband and myself enjoying one of our few moments together. I love this guy, and am so thankful to be married to him!
This or That Beauty Tag
I was tagged by Miss Diana Ashuayem in her blog for the 'This or that beauty tag' and here we have my answers to these fun and fabulous questions.
Blush or Bronze: Blush
Lip Gloss or Lipstick: Lipstick
Eyeliner or Mascara: Eyeliner
Foundation or Concealer: Foundation
Natural or color eye shadow: Color all the way
Press or loose eye shadow: Press fo' sho'
Brush or sponge: Brush
OPI or China glaze: OPI
Long or short: Short
Acrylic or Natural: All Natural
Bright or dark: Bright
Flower or No flower: No flower
Perfume or body splash: Body splash
Lotion or Body Butter: Lotion
Body wash or soap: Body Wash
Jeans or Sweat pants: Jeans
Long Sleeve or Short Sleeve: Short Sleeve
Dress or Skirt: Both
Scarfs or Hat: Hats
Studs or Dangling earring: Dangling
Necklace or Bracelet: Necklace!
Heels or Flat: Flats- can never walk in heels!
Cowboy boots or Riding Boots: Riding boots
Jackets or Hoodies: Jacket
Forever21 or Charlotte Russe: Forever21
Curly or Straight: Straight
Bun or Pony Tail- Bun
Bobby pins or Butterfly clip: Bobby Pins
Hairspray or Gel: Hairspray
Long or Short: Long
Dark or Light: Dark, Dark, Dark!
Side swept or Full bang: Side Swept
Up or down: Down
Rain or Shine: Rain
Summer or Winter: Winter
Fall or Spring: Fall
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla only!
And Now I am Tagging:
Not a lot to report today- I'm actually here to post a bit about my profile on Bloglovin'. It's a fantastic way to see tons of blogs about specific areas that you are interested in! I have my profile, and I have a list of great blogs I follow if anyone is interested, you can go ahead and click on the link on my sipnstyle homepage! In other news, just wanted to post that I had a little impromptu get together with three girls tonight and sold my first official full priced Mary Kay items! I am super excited about it, and hope to sell more at my party on Thursday. Wish me luck yet again! : )
Second dream post- New York! It is my absolute number one dream to see New York someday. I grew up watching Eloise at Christmastime and Eloise at the Plaza with my best friend Jessica, and have dreamed about visiting New York since then. I want to have tea at the Plaza, see the giant Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center, see the Alice In Wonderland statue in Central Park, and visit every possible mall : ). Obviously, a Christmas lover like me will visit New York at Christmastime and walk the lit streets and see all the decorations, and I can't wait. I know it will happen someday- even if I can't say when.
Well, here is my first dream post. I am thinking about becoming a Mary Kay consultant! Last night I attended a Mary Kay event and they put some very interesting ideas in my head- such as the fact that as a consultant I could make extra money on the side and be in charge of how much I work each week. I'd say that right now I am only thinking about it, but who knows? Maybe someday soon I could be a consultant or even a director if I am any good at selling. But anywho. So changing the subject abruptly to the topic of me- I love Christmas. Everything that has to do with Christmas is fantastic to me. If anyone has ever seen The Rise of the Guardians (if not, do it!), I am exactly like the Santa Claus in that movie- eyes full of wonder that see lights in the trees and feel magic in the air. I know it is only the middle of August, but already I am buzzing to feel that pre-Christmas glow. In fact, at this moment, I am watching Elf(See Hakuna Matata for more). So here, way ahead of the season, and I am going to list the top 5 things I am looking most forward to come November. Here goes!
5. Presents! Giving or getting, I am not picky!
4. Watching Christmas movies while drinking Apple Cider, White Hot Chocolate, or Decaf Vanilla Coffee.
3. The Disney decorated house located in Central City (hoping to get some pics this year!)
2. Decorating while listening to Christmas music.
And the number 1. thing I am looking forward to no matter how cliché it sounds- Spending lots of time with family and my husband and just soaking up what Christmas really means.
Yet again, for anyone who has read my other pages, I am just entering down each time I have a post. I think for today I will talk a bit about my taste in music. For anyone interested, I have a couple playlists on Spotify (which you should check out!) under my husband's name- Alex Newby. My playlists are Oldies/Easy Listening, Classic Rock, Throwback, Songs I Love Right Now, and The Beauty of Grace. The Oldies/Easy Listening has artists including Lionel Richie, The Beach Boys, and Elvis Presley. Classic Rock has basically every original song from Rock of Ages(which so happens to be one of my favorite movies!) as well as Journey and Bon Jovi and tons more. Throwback includes all those artists you wonder why you loved in eighth grade yet can't help but still sing along to such as Blink-182, Bowling for Soup, and Sum 41. Songs I Love Right Now is a mix of popular artists at the moment such as Nicki Minaj and Ke$ha, both of whom I almost never listen to but in this case I do occasionally. The Beauty of Grace is all those good classic Christian artists like BarlowGirl and Switchfoot. Anyone who does not have Spotify; first of all- get it! second of all- I also have some Pandora stations under my name. Happy listening!
This page is named for a Disney song from my favorite movie- Tangled. This page is for my personal ramblings and the reason the title is "I Have a Dream," is because I like to think of myself and a hopeless romantic in every aspect of life. I believe in happy endings and I believe that every person has good in them. I know that right now those are very rare beliefs and sometimes I have to remind myself that dreams are all that makes life worth having. So this will be the beginning of my personal page. I'd say this is enough to read for now, so hopefully I'll post more later!
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